

Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE 影片後製教學 英文版
  • Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE 影片後製教學 英文版
  • 貨  號:cai7371-d1
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員:act |
  • 瀏覽次數:1154
  • 銷售價: NT$200

Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE 影片後製教學 英文版

Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE 影片後製教學 英文版

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HoneRiSO Apps -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Removing Objects with Camera Projection in NUKE 語系版本: 英文版 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 保護種類: 無保護 破解說明: 無 系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統 硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV 檔案作業系統 軟體類型: 影片後製教學 更新日期: 2012.02.24 軟體發行: Digital Tutors(i.NKiSO) 官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=386 中文網站: 無 軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 由 Digital Tutors 推出了利用 NUKE 6.3v1 來移除物件教學,使用的軟體 NUKE 6.3v1,主講人是 Chris Glick 教學時間 2 個小時又 53 分鐘 章節 01.Introduction and project overview 02.Creating a 3D scene with the NUKEX Camera Tracker 03.Offsetting the 3D nodes to set a ground plane 04.Creating a proof of concept in NUKE with 3D cards 05.Cropping a frame to begin the clean plate in Photoshop 06.Transforming and masking other frames to match 07.Filling in the holes with other frames and our workflow 08.Outputting the PSD with an Alpha for NUKE 09.Placing our 3D card by changing the pivot and nudging 10.Using a 3D Card to cut away part of our render 11.Using the same techniques to create the bottom of the sign 12.Using color corrections to create the edge of the sign 13.Using the same techniques to create the background sign 14.Using extreme cropping in Photoshop to create the wall 15.Placing our back wall card in 3D space 16.Using roto to remove part of the wall 17.Re using the blue bottom to create the black side structure 18.Editing and placing our front wall to complete our composite 19.Placing our wall and animating cards to fix small issues 20.Filling in the back wall with an pipeline entirely in NUKE 21.Finishing our last card with the lighter brick wall 22.Checking for holes in the alpha and fixing them 23.Making last minute tweaks and rendering our composite 教學預覽 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 站長安裝測試環境與安裝說明: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧光碟內附 Windows 與 Mac 版的 FLV 檔案播放軟體 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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